Tommy Lee John

Kabelmann - Paul Kalkbrenner


Music Video


Paul Kalkbrenner


Zauberberg Production


Production Coordinator

This is KABELMANN. These are his cables. And this is his story. In a 12-minute music short film, we follow Kabelmann on his search for belonging. From the forest to society, from aggression to love and back again, Kabelmann makes his way through our world. His cables hold him back, until they don’t. But is it enough to save his life? Kabelmann is part love story, part odyssey, and part bloodbath. It’s directed by Björn Rühmann and produced with Smuggler and Zauberberg. The story, created by Mother Berlin, is inspired by the creative process of the artist himself, Paul Kalkbrenner.


Starring Kevin Howarth, Maja Bloom and Paul Kalkbrenner.